My Red Dynamite

I have a little dynamite, my very own beautiful red dynamite. My dynamite has this strong allure that makes it irresistible and that’s exactly how I got attracted to it.

My friends warned me constantly, “beware of that dynamite, it’s very dangerous and after it’s done with you, the results will be catastrophic”. But I just can’t help it, there is something about my dynamite that makes it hard if not impossible to walk away from.

Oh how I love the fire, the thrill of playing with its flame and the excitement that comes with taking such a risk. You see, I really like my dynamite. It’s bold, wild and dangerous, something I can’t find in other objects. The rest may be lovely, nicer and risk-free, but I love me some adventure. My highly explosive dynamite keeps me glued to it, it entertains me and I never lose interest.

But, I keep remembering my friends’ words, I know how true they are. In fact, even before I started playing with my dynamite I knew exactly how wrong my choice was, but everything else was boring. Now I have to walk away before it blows right in my face and leaves me devastated.

Believe me, I know the consequences too well since I’ve played around with other dynamites before and most of the time the explosions happened before I had time to run away.

Here I am, again in the same dilemma and with numerous questions; who will rescue me? Is there any hope for me? Where can I find the strength to walk away?… I guess time will tell