Hello Darkness My Old Friend

Does this life truly change?
Or do I get to keep these demons for life?

Do I finally own them?
Keep them and officially
Give them permanent room
To board in this life of mine?

Am I supposed to love them
And maybe accept them
Because they might stick here
With me for this entire lifetime?!

What if I let them be
And they ravage me completely?
What if welcoming them
Means chasing hope away?
What if letting them in
Lets in unbearable despair?

What am I to do?

Tales Of A Clown

Currently listening to Cellophane by FKA Twigs and these lyrics linger:

“Why don’t I do it for you? Why can’t I do it for you?” 

Those two lines slap really hard. The previous song I was playing was Two Weeks by her and someone in the comments said that she perfectly captured the feeling of longing for somebody. I couldn’t agree more. The part that hit home for me was:

“I’ll put you first, just close your eyes and dream about it

Higher than a motherfucker, dreaming of you as my lover

I’ll quench your thirst, just chase the high and stop your doubting”

Boy, don’t I know that feeling all too well! How it feels like to want someone and knowing you’d be what they needed, yet they are still aloof. It’s akin to wanting someone who does not want you or doesn’t want you as much. The irony being that at that very moment, there is most likely another person who wants you that badly but you are all aloof or not equally interested.

Here’s the thing though, I understand things better now. Previously, my ego would be the one to rescue me when the clowning got too much. It was just a matter of pride when I would notice the disrespect or being strung along.

However, I came to see it for what it truly was: the playing out of the Anxious-Avoidant attachment style plus codependency (the wanting to save/fix others). The people who triggered my Anxious attachment, got the version of me that would probably be singing those FKA lyrics and my clowning ass. Those who triggered my Avoidant attachment would basically get the cold heartless bitch version.

I was busy living out the two styles depending on the person who showed up. It was mainly my emotional unavailability mixed with the fearful wounded girl within who desired love but was scared of it. The one who felt like all through the years, she had to earn love and most times, she wasn’t even good enough for the love she was seeking.

And this wasn’t just in romantic set ups; this was everywhere and with everyone. I was either emotionally distant with you or eager to please, or a weird combination of the two. Thank goodness for all the therapists and people who’d share information online on these aspects and how to heal.

I did the work and I am still doing it. After all the hard work and good progress, came the painful realisation that I will never be perfect or “fully healed”. That I can live aware, do better, be more open, make great strides and still slip once in a while. That when I get triggered, it’s not an indicator of failure or not having healed.

Triggers will come but my response is what matters most. I can sit with whatever feelings come up then hold myself with plenty of grace and kindness.

A while back, those triggers came, courtesy of someone I knew very well that I would not date. But somehow, when the other person confirmed the same, it felt like a kick in my (non-existent) balls. I was hurt and found myself eager to please or get them just to prove that I could. I sat with those feelings to figure out why somebody I didn’t want bothered me that much.

Yes, there’s the whole Rejection Sensitivity thanks to ADHD, but the rejection wound cut deeper. Most importantly, it was just my ego because I’d had the upper hand but dilly dallied until power shifted when things got defined.

Anyway, the point of this whole post is to appreciate how  far I have come and to acknowledge how things look different once you’ve faced (and accepted) your shit.

Hiding Behind Couches

It’s been a really long time since I was here. To be honest, I am actually here because I can’t remember the login details of a different blog I started, Lol.

Now that I think about it, this is the perfect illustration of what today’s post is about. You see, I absolutely love this site. I created it 8 years ago and it was my wonderful online journal. I figured my vulnerability may as well be shared because someone out here might resonate.

Let’s just say, I eventually discovered I’m not as vulnerable as I thought I was. Vulnerability was okay when the people who came here were a little similar to me and related with what I was saying. But one thing I hadn’t factored, is just how much I would evolve and change into a whole new person.

I had already started to shy away from writing about some things. Then one time, my mum’s friend mentioned how she used to read my posts and had been genuinely concerned about my mental health. It was such a lovely gesture but that’s when it hit me that I was very exposed.

You see, it’s easier to be vulnerable with people who are like you or when it’s complete strangers. That shit hits differently when it’s people around you. I could break down all the psychological reasons why this is yet another thing that’s not okay and needs healing from; but that’s not the point today.

So when my online journal started to feel infiltrated and I could no longer be as open because I’d changed to a different person; I left. It sucked to leave because this is my baby, but I did.

Let’s face it, leaving has always been my thing. Oh escapism and avoidance were things I effortlessly did! At the core of it, I know it’s just the fear of being truly and fully seen.

Back to the couches. Today I had an epiphany while on my friend’s couch. Last night I told her I wouldn’t share the bed as we mostly do when I’m around, because I was in pain and needed to be alone. I explained that couches are always comfortable for me and even while staying with other friends, I usually prefer their couches.

This morning, the truth dawned on me: it wasn’t that I loved couches and found them safe, it’s that it was always safe to be by myself. On nights I wanted to process my emotions, or when I was in pain due to health issues, or my sense of safety had been threatened; retreating was my thing. And when I was in a place where I couldn’t just lock myself in a room as I do at home, I quickly run to the couch.

So couches aren’t my refuge or favourite delightful place. They are examples of how it’s easier for me to avoid being vulnerable with those close to me or simply allow them to be there when I am most vulnerable. It’s me being afraid of being seen because deep down, I fear they wouldn’t know what to do or wouldn’t hold space for that level of vulnerability.

It’s safer to hide behind couches than face reality. But it certainly isn’t healthy.

We deserve spaces where we can be seen in our totality and be embraced. Where we don’t have to partition our lives and have one person see this side of you and another knows a separate part. So that ultimately, nobody really gets to fully know every single bit of who you are.

Before 2021 ended, I remember my Guides asking me what it would be like for me to have a space where all parts of me could show up at the same time, and be beautifully accepted. I realised I didn’t know what that looked like. Therefore, I decided to indulge that. To dare to dream of such spaces. And most importantly, to begin working towards being ready for such.

Because you see, it’s possible to get that and still fuck it up. If whatever inside me makes me closed off or emotionally unavailable or triggers the anxious-avoidant attachment style, isn’t healed, I’ll either fail to notice those spaces or I’ll self sabotage when I get them.

Which means more work to do. I won’t lie, the amount of inner work I’ve had to do over the past several years, is A LOT. And seeing that I’m still a bit of a wreck after all the work, makes the idea of more work, a little daunting.

So I’ll hold myself with grace and kindness as I do this. I’ll be gentle with myself and remember that being human means that I’ll never be perfect, but I’m still adequately good as I am at this moment. I’ll sit with the things that come up, attend to them and grow because I am committed to investing in being the best version of who I am at each point.

Most of all, I’ll remind myself today that I can no longer keep hiding behind couches. I am worthy of being seen.

Op Day

I can’t believe I’m seated here a whole 5 weeks post-op. Honestly, I had spent so much time freaking out and going through all the things that could go wrong, that I didn’t think of what happens afterwards. I had already prepared myself for all the risks: reacting to the anaesthetic, bleeding out and either needing a transfusion, or having my uterus removed to save me, dying on the table, waking up in the middle of surgery and screaming due to pain, and the cold theatre causing asthmatic attacks that kill me. But even if none of those occurred, I expected excruciating pain.

I remember that morning very vividly. Being a little sleep deprived, waking up around 5a.m and the major mistake that was showering with cold water because I was getting late. I was fairly calm, I had to force myself to not think because my blood pressure had been acting up and I was told if it didn’t stabilise, I’d be sent home. I had hoped I’d be knocked out before being taken to Theatre. Lol, I was wheeled all the way while I watched. The only silver lining was that I got to see the Theatre and it looked nothing like the cold dark rooms I had expected.

All I remember is being plugged onto machines and gadgets; the last thing I heard playing was weirdly, a song I didn’t even like: Extravaganza by Sauti Sol. Next thing I know I was back in my room surrounded by nurses and doctors. You’d think I’d be busy trying to rest, nah, clearly being a firstborn and control freak is not something that takes a break. I was busy ordering people around asking for all the warm clothes I’d packed plus a heater. Can’t blame me though, I was freezing and there was no way I’d allow an asthma attack to be my end after surviving surgery.

You know, it’s weird how things feel afterwards; my stomach felt strange but none of that excruciating pain. I don’t even know how to describe it. I woke up feeling as though I’d just woken up from a nap but yet to commence the surgery. Until I heard one of the nurses explaining to another that I’d just had an open myomectomy. Everything felt surreal; as though I was in the middle of a dream.

Remember me saying I was a control freak, I fought sleep the rest of the day! I was not about to sleep and slip into a coma or something (Lol, blame my over imaginative brain plus anxiety). Before I knew it, it was lunch time and family and friends started streaming in.

I must say, that day, it took some pretty incredible ladies to get me through. From the very sweet and understanding nurses, my doctor (she’s a kick-ass gyna), the wonderful anaesthesist (she had this amazing aura and was a ball of cheer!), and one of my closest girlfriends who had slept in hospital with me and got me through a lot! This woman travelled a few days earlier to be there as I prepared for surgery. I don’t think I’d have survived the overwhelming anxiety if it wasn’t for her.

Now look at me here a whole 5 weeks later and just 4 days away from completing my 6-week bed rest! I still can’t believe it’s over and I’m here.

Curveballs and Life’s Sense of Humour

There’s a lot that my mind has had to process lately, in fact, this year generally. There’s still enough that I haven’t adequately processed yet, because I don’t even know how to.

At this point, I thought all I’d be dealing with, would have to do with career progression and getting a good house. Family wasn’t exactly a priority. But oh well, life has one big sense of humour, Lol!

I’d gotten to a point where I was perfectly comfortable alone and absolutely enjoyed it. I was certain that I didn’t want kids, except probably one girl if I changed my mind. And I really wanted a kitten! Haha, being the old lady with cats sounded enticing enough.

Then life, as it loves doing, threw me the ultimate curveball: fibroids (I won’t even begin with everything related to surgery). Suddenly, conversations all around me were about idle uteruses and how I needed to start getting children. All the gynaecologists I’ve seen and even the lovely old lady who was taking me through natural treatment, agreed on the same.

Me? Me who still felt like a kid on most days? What on earth was I supposed to do with a human child when I hadn’t even raised a pet all alone on my income?

It would also mean putting all my great plans on hold. Why would I sacrifice my dreams? There’s an entire planet to be toured. There are projects to be undertaken. Learning to be done. And a name/personal brand to build. It felt quite messed up and unfair, considering health issues had already stolen a big chunk of my adulting years.

But here’s what I plan to do: make the most of the available time. I have been given a pretty short time limit by the doctors. However, I’ll pack up as many things I can do within three quarters of that time. And towards the end of that period, I’ll pick up this conversation.

As I mentioned earlier, there’s the upcoming surgery. We already have a scheduled date and now it’s very real. Yes I have frequent moments when panic sets in. Which is understandable because I’ve never been cut up.

Again, like I said, life has a sense of humour. I had vowed that I’d be the only member of this family who never stepped inside a theatre. Everyone else had gone for one procedure or the other. I almost did too when I got admitted in hospital due to crazy tonsilitis. Since it was something I dealt with often, they had to be removed. But nope, I wasn’t stepping on a theatre table.

So early this year when I was told the only way out was surgery, I wanted to break down. Or just scream at life and vent all my anger plus fears. But I had had a conversation a few months before, with the woman who inspired my healing journey (I still can’t believe she died). That conversation with her reassured me that healing comes through different ways and I should be open.

I now feel more prepared. And finally accepted that being cut open and 6-8weeks of healing indoors, is the price I pay to get back to a fairly normal life.

My thoughts on all the above and others I can’t even write, are still jumbled up. But I’m making progress and slowly processing bit by bit.

Yes I still feel like if it was up to me, I’d have written out my life differently. But this is what came, and in the spirit of loving what is, I accept it. And with time, I’m also seeing how this was also a gift.


I won’t lie, this vulnerability thing is haaaaaard! Right now, I’d much rather do a prettier and sugar coated version of this. But I need to be brutally honest with myself and writing is usually the best way to sincerely sort through things that feel overwhelming.

Long story short: I’m lost. Or rather that’s how I feel. I’m not even sure I feel anything; or anything I can put a name on.

Someone texted in an online mental health group I’m in, asking how each of us was. The only words I could respond with were: just there. Or as I like putting it: comme çi comme ça. Me who loves words and can describe anything effortlessly. Same me that’s the ultimate therapist and great understander of human psychology (well, self appointed). Yes, same me can’t even tell what I feel.

But the one thing that doesn’t lack clarity is how lost and clueless I feel at this point. I can’t tell you what I want. What I plan to do two months from now. Heck, I can’t even say what I’ll be doing tomorrow. Because I just don’t know.

And let me emphasize, admitting this was incredibly hard.

In this age where people are achieving impossible feats before they turn 20. Where 21 year olds are solving global problems. Where 25 year olds are millionaires with empires.

In this very age where we have the greatest access to information like never before. Where not knowing anything is almost a crime.

In this age, we’re expected to know things. To be very self aware and always know where we’re headed. Admitting you’re lost is insane! It’s almost like a career or social suicide.

But this is me saying it out hoping that it gives me more courage to be more honest about it. Hoping that it will assure somebody else that they’re not alone.

Most of all, I hope this helps to change the norm. That it will remind us that we’re human and we don’t have to always know it all or have everything figured out every single time.

As humans, we’re allowed to reinvent ourselves. We’re allowed to evolve and change. Which means, every once in a while, you’ll go from what’s always been familiar to unknown territories. Consequently, you’ll find yourself not knowing where on earth you are or where the hell you’re going.

And all that is perfectly okay. Trust me, I’m writing this because I also desperately need to be reminded. So from here on, I’ll stop beating myself and stop trying to fight this or find quick solutions.

I’ll simply stay in the moment and stop resisting what is. I’m currently lost and it’s really okay.

Old Wounds Tugging

Don’t be fooled, all the lies told to you left wounds deeper than you suspect. You might not discover it until something happens that acts as a trigger.

I heard him on a phone call. It was more professional than anything but she seemed to know him pretty well. He sounded like he knew she knows him that well. Maybe it was all the laughter. Maybe it was how he took her through a project he was on. Something he’s been working on but somehow never shared with me. Or even asked my opinion despite me previously having offered to help. Despite my making it clear how good I am at that. Despite all the times he’s praised my brilliant mind.

Well, I know I have no right to expect anything of the sort. His work is his, mine is mine. I have no right to raise eyebrows when he has someone who knows him like that. Of course we barely know each other. Let’s be realistic, it’s been too short a period.

But that didn’t stop me from suddenly having all kinds of doubt. It didn’t keep away that all too familiar feeling that once again, lies are involved. No, it didn’t even help that I easily identified it as old wounds at play.

I still began to question everything. What if he turned out to be like the others? What if the honesty and genuine personality was just a façade? What if I’d decided to trust when it wasn’t in my best interest? What if it was the reason I hadn’t shared exactly what was going on with my accountability person? She’s always been right whenever she expressed her doubts. I knew this time, she’d most likely flip!

But there’s something else I also have to grapple with: what if this is just the wounded girl trying to protect herself like she always does? What if my close friends were right in pointing out that I honestly don’t know how to be loved properly? Which is true. Anytime I felt someone getting too close and genuinely showing affection, my initial reaction is to run. To flee as fast as I can while pushing them away.

So this has nothing to do with him or with anyone else who’s tried. I’ve been reassured over and over. I have every reason to trust. But these old wounds simply won’t stop interfering.


Have you ever stood in front of a huge giant and felt extremely intimidated? You feel quite small and fear creeps in… that’s exactly what I’m staring at right now.

In this day and age, we probably never meet any person who’s a real giant but we have our own version. Situations or things that are so enormous that they intimidate us. Looking at them, you feel temporarily frozen and are not sure how to proceed; you feel helpless.

The worst giants are those that speak to you. They remind you how you’ve failed, how this has happened before and it will recur. They tell you you’re not good enough and can’t do a thing. They show you how hopeless it is.

These giants could be small things that gather up to taunt you all at once. It could be the thing you haven’t been able to do, the academic issues, the skin problems, the weight that isn’t going away, the work that’s piled up until it feels overwhelming, the broken relationship, attacks on your reputation, your struggle to live life right by God and a million other giants.

There’s a song by Casting Crowns that says:
“The giant’s calling out my name and he laughs at me, reminding me of all the times I tried before and failed. The giant keeps on telling me, time and time again, boy you’ll never win…”
Ain’t that the reality! But I love what comes right after that, speaking to the giant and saying how the voice of truth tells you a different story; the voice of truth says do not be afraid, the voice of truth says this is for my glory. Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.

So yes giants will keep intimidating you but remember that greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). He tells you:
Don’t be afraid, because I am with you. Don’t be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 (GOD’S WORD Translation)